Forget all the advice I have given you. Forget everything about building a web site, maybe a blog, posting profiles, sending out "Hey, Daddy"s......forget it all. It really doesn't work that way. I just wanted to share all of that information about my experiences so you can see that I really did try it that way and it didn't work.
The problem with this whole technique is that everyone is just a stupid liar. They lie about their age, their income, their careers, where they live, what car they drive.....they lie about everything. They are all just stupid johns pretending to be sugar daddies.
The really sad thing about all of this is that most of them do not even realize that they are johns. They actually think that they are sugar daddies. They make less than 200K a year and they actually think they have what it takes to be a sugar daddy.
They believe that a sugar daddy is a gentleman who pays for sex. They are just freakin' stupid.
A sugar daddy would never pay for sex. There are many real sugar daddies out there who do not even have sex with their babies. That is not what being a sugar daddy is all about.
Being a sugar daddy is all about being charitable. Charity is the highest form of love there is. Being a sugar daddy is all about the love. That's what a sugar daddy is - the best lover you will ever find.
I think of it this way. If I made 20K a month, what would I do? I would donate at least 5K to my favorite charity. Animals, the homeless, artists/musicians/writers.....those are some examples of my favorite charities. And I would donate it without expecting anything in return. That's what charity/love is all about.
Now let's say I am a rich gentleman and I come across a lovely lady who works as a zookeeper. She lives in a trailer and is writing a book about yoga. - Score! Take care of this babe! Give her 5K a month and she can put a portion of it towards the zoo, go rent a nice four bedroom house and take the steps to get her book published.
A sugar daddy can donate to all of his favorite charities just by having a sugar baby. And you better believe this lovely lady will fall madly in love with the gentleman for being so kind and generous. - Score, again!
So, now the question is - How do you REALLY snag a sugar daddy in seven days? Stay tuned. The truth is soon to be revealed.
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